God taught men with a pen(Quran)
Let’s learn what he taught us together.

Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

Throat Chakra - The 5th Element

In the name of God the compassionate the Merciful

Throat chakra is the 5th chakra in the energy system of the body. It sits right at your throat. Throat chakra is represented by the number 5 which is freedom of self expressions and freedom of voice. There is a way to calculate life path number based on your birthday and those with life path number 5 thrive on freedom of expressions and openness of their voice.

When the throat chakra is blocked, the person is not able to communicate their thoughts and feelings clearly and this can lead to anger, resentment, feelings of being misunderstood and blockages in other areas that lead to health issues if this becomes a long term habit. Thyroid disease is an example, it’s more common in women because there has been a lot of abuse towards women historically where their voice is suppressed, and it became a generational issue that keeps being passed down.

Vocal expressions are such an integral part of self development when it comes to personal and professional goals. People who have gone through abusive cycles often are unable to discover their voice or verbalize and express themselves freely in early stages of healing. By creating a trusting, caring and loving environment the person starts to open up and release the trauma over a course of healing process.

Time is a big factor here as the longer time has passed the harder the person has tried to suppress those emotions, there are more layers on top due to trauma response and more time, attention, and care is required to unblock and navigate those layers delicately both as a practitioner or as a coach/therapist. The role of an energy practitioner is more on the physical/spiritual aspect and cellular level while a coach or a therapist is more focused on listening, guiding and providing verbal and emotional support. These two work perfectly together as a supportive pair and often times people who require deep tissue work need both.

Hopefully from prior articles along with your own meditation practice have brought you the knowledge required to detect and understand the clockwise spinning of chakras.

During meditations, some with strong imaginations who have deepened their experience maybe able to see, and feel the spin. Normally we are not able to detect the rotational movements of the chakras as it is a subtle movement. When it is intense, it means chakra rebalances itself and change is coming. We refer to these phenomena as activations, release, or upgrades. Sometimes you can see the body pulsing during a session or meditation. You can use your right hand to calm the place by circular motions and breathing into the tissue.

Upgrades/Discharge are typically intense processes for the body, sitting through them can be tough and support is required, when it happens on their own deepening the practice is the key by focusing on light and breathing that in, holding onto the strength at the moment and grounding or breathing fresh air outside, having a cup of water and, pray to it beforehand. In Arabic we say Bismilla before we drink it, which means in the name of God that’s how we purify our food and we say “Allahomma Salle Alaa Mohammad va Aale Mohammad” after which is connected to a very strong green healing chain in heaven, so it helps to drink and swallow it if there are anxieties. These mantras are like plugs to the light energies via the intention.

Healers can feel some of these shifts in the clients remotely, and it can be intense for them as well and depletes them. This is called a spiritual walk as it represents the companionship of a teacher and the person for a period of time based on what spirits are advising. It is not like modern science where we can measure everything, we are able to estimate sometimes, and the concept of time when it comes to one’s spiritual path is different for everyone. It also depends on the person’s choices to follow the instructions given due diligently. Healing requires commitment and work.

To summarize things we highlight the symptoms of throat blockages below:

  • Lack of ability to express thoughts and feeling

  • Sensation of pain having a ball stuck at your throat

  • Not being able to cry at times

  • Voice is not loud or clear enough

  • Words are not concretely being expressed and stuttering often occurs in regular speech

  • Sometimes very high or low pitched voice that’s disturbing

  • Thyroid disease

  • Heart problems

How to heal your throat:

  • Having an energy work session with a practitioner

  • Breath of fire - repetitive exhales through the mouth to take the pressure off the core and open the channel

  • Doing crystal healing like blue quartz or larimar, azurite. Place it on the location during meditation or meditate with the crystal with focus on throat.

  • Voice lessons that teach you to work with your breath and diaphragms muscles.

  • Becoming aware of the voice by massaging the throat with two finger tips. Another way is holding your right hand at your throat and making a bodily circuit sending healing light to the chakra via your hands

  • Journaling, poetry, spoken words, musical practices with instruments like flute, clarinet, or signing classes

If you are a beginner, a lot of these practices require you to work with a practitioner to be able to feel the activation and continue your journey with stronger faith. The process of awakening can be intense and we are here to support you.



I love my voice

It allows me to connect with the world around myself

It allows me to exist in my truth and freely express it

It helps me navigate the world with ultimate expressions that are light sourced

Thank you for reading. Please comment, like and share this article with your friends and family and support your platform. Tribe of love and unity.

God is always here. He is always near.

Love & Light


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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

Sacral Facts & Healing

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

Sacral is the second chakra in the chakra system. It’s associated with the number 2 and is located half way through in between the belly button and bottom of the belly. It is the center of joy & pleasure, creativity, sexual activity, partnership, trust, and collaborative efforts. Keeping it healthy is also very important during the sexual development and puberty that’s directly connected to our mental health and stability.

We have 7 main energy channels in our body, known as the chakra system. This system starts from the bottom of the belly to the top of the head and extends itself into the higher realms through energy cords and intentions. Their resonance together forms the aura. The picture below should describe the alignment of internal chakras.

In this article we are discussing the second one that’s color orange as it’s the one that sits above the root, the first chakra. Blockages and holes in sacral can cause a lot of issues in building relationships which is a key area in success for a human being. Flaws show itself both in romantic and platonic relationships within the personal and professional contexts. Sacral plays a major role in how we show up creatively every day and how we focus and problem-solve using our creative force which is a very important positive resource. As a result of the imbalance the residue falls on other chakra and leads to negative behavior patterns like addiction, poor health and relationship with self as well.

What moved me to choose the topic “Sacral Healing” as one of the first topics to discuss on here was first the frequency of the issues when it comes to this area that I observed as well as extreme cases that were coming to me for healing and help. Unfortunately we live in overly sexualized societies with an extreme amount of unconscious sexual activity that’s not coming from god, plus the promotion of abortion and destroying feminine energy as a whole that’s pretty dangerous. Abortion could form black holes in this chakra which means the energy constantly gets discharged and doesn’t build itself to the point that a person loses her livelihood and is not able to fully feel the natural progression, pleasure, and satisfaction that comes with sex as well as the mental stability and mood required for proper parenting, critical thinking and clarity that’s required in sustainable societies.

All of these dots are heavily interconnected with how we encounter sexually and emotionally with the world. Not to mention unfortunate facts about people who are addicted to pornographic images, videos or watching them casually where they are constantly spiritually connecting their energy to very heavy negative resources that drain them from their sexual power and end up blocking themselves from real experiences of love and sex. They basically program the subconscious to something that doesn’t exist, so it’s a one way cord that goes nowhere along which they are always losing energy. Furthermore, they end up being spiritually stuck there, spiritual jail, by habits that brain develops and body gets conditioned to where pleasure loses its meaning. It is a saddening fact that needs to be consciously stopped and healed with no exception!

On top of that the unfortunate rate of sexual abuse at young age is more common than we think in our world, so it’s very important to learn ways to be conscious and aware of how we share our body with someone else when it comes to touch, and physical interactions and healing from that. Acknowledging it, so we can move forward and craft creative solutions and implement them.

I like to emphasize that there is no magic way to heal this chakra overnight similar to other chakras. In extreme cases mentioned above like sexual abuse or abortions working with a healer complimented by a psychotherapist or psychologist is absolutely necessary, and it’s a long term recovery process not to only heal sacral but break through the mental barriers and false beliefs. One has to shift the perspective when it comes to the sense of self worth, creative pursuits, child bearing, parenting, and everything that’s key for us in creating a community that’s interwoven by healthy family units.

Sacral chakra imbalance can be seen as overactive or underactive. When it’s overactive, it’s spinning fast, the person thinks about sex more than often addictively and there is a constant need and escapism from reality to sex. Grounding in nature, exercise, crystal healing and abstaining can be very powerful to start realigning the mental and physical muscles. Below we discuss more remedies.

When Sacral is underactive there is not enough motivation in life or desire for sex the way a healthy person would have it, views on family is also not so positive. Certain diet with mood boosters, and proper food as well as social activities and more engagement with others in the beginning can revive the hope that’s needed as part of the social health in a person who is experiencing this, cord cutting meditation with the past that’s typically the cause and remedies below are helpful also.

Some steps that one can take in sacral healing are:




  • In the beginning start by fasting, and relaxation to clear the aura this makes meditation using a pure white a candle easier for you. Focus on a rotating orange ball in the energy center and grow it in your mind’s eye.

  • Cultivate joy. Express yourself creatively in art, music, dance and writing.

  • Drink plenty of water, herbal teas as water element is very well connected to this chakra to flush energies. When temptations arise shower.

  • Use crystals like carnelian which is very powerful. Vanadinite is also powerful to break creative blocks referred to as “writers/artist block” and get the flow going. Orange calcite or clear quartz are secondary choices, put them on the chakra when you meditate or the center of the palm, clean it using salt bath often and carry the crystal with you or wear it as jewelries. Connect with the crystal focusing and drawing light cords in your mind’s eye through your body parts and breathe in/out of the cord. Relax, breathe and allow the visualization to form.

  • Eat Orange food like oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, grapefruit.

  • Heal neighboring chakras by consuming red and yellow food, peach, apricot, mustard, beets, tomatoes, root vegetables.

  • Foods rich in Omega-3s, such as wild caught seafood like salmon, halibut, mahi mahi or fish oil supplements also work well to balance this chakra as they work towards our emotional health which is greatly correlated to sexual health when a person is sexually active.

  • Nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, flax seed, walnuts, and sesame provide additional fatty Omega-3s, which aid in cardiovascular health, anise, and star anise help with blood flow, nervous system health and reducing inflammation. Food like coconut for brain boost, spices such as turmeric for immunity and confidence, ginger for purification and cinnamon for grounding.

Cinnamon Anise

  • Abstain from pornography images or videos and engaging in meaningless and mechanical sexual activity to allow the emotional health to restore itself. Protect your gaze by not looking into areas and places that trigger that.

  • Ground yourself more by mediating on the ground, in nature. Hug a tree and focus on the roots of the tree and connect with the light structure and sacred geometry in your minds eye to connect your sacral and core to it and charge it.

  • Work on your social fears by challenging yourself and forming true connections

  • Focus, pray and meditate on self-love and self-care.

  • Cardio accompanied by Core exercises. Breathwork meditation(in a duo format for accountability).

  • For overactive use icing and for underactive you can use a combination of hot/cold(IcyHot) pads to trigger it during meditation.

  • Journal your thoughts and feelings. Stay positive and look at your progress with love.

  • Last but not the least, as you are healing your relationship with your partner, colleagues, friends, parents, and everyone around you, will shift so welcome it. Set new boundaries if you have to, be open and stay positive throughout the course of changes.

You can check out our shop for a carnelian pair and supercharge yourself and your partner with the fire and earth energy; new inspirations that are God’s sourced. We love to be part of your journey of change and collective growth towards a higher purpose inshallah.

Blessings and hope,


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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

Karma in the New Age

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

Be a Light Resource

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Dear reader,

Thanks for stopping by in my corner! Today I like to share some thoughts about karma and our new world.  I would like to reiterate on the fact that everything is energy from a new angle. From the perspective of, what we share with others stays here  and what we leave after we take off to the next place is a continuous energetic stream that we carry with our spirit across lifetimes. For a second, imagine the ozone layer and earth as one single being and think about all the bodies that purged into the earth, all the sounds and noises that are stored from the beginning of time in the air molecules. We all know sound has energy, and it doesn't disappear. That’s why music causes subconscious shifts that lead to emotions and understanding for many who are more auditory gifted based on the brain type.  So imagine all the energies that surround us from everyone and everything. We are always in there on earth! In the 4th dimension.

Switching gears a bit, so I can get to my point, I get a lot of questions on Quora and us as humans are very curious about Karma and the afterlife mystery.  When we die, spirit transitions and the record of Karma continues to be maintained and there can be tweaks, improvements optimizations there by the higher power(Allah’s mercy). As God is love and has forgiveness, so there can be recovery and cleansing as the spirit transcends. Now when it comes to the element of responsibility from the human perspective Karma is still like an account that a person holds and is tied to him/her, it keeps accumulating based on what we put in there and the influence it creates continues to perpetuate changes that also get recorded in the Akashic Record, library of all lifetimes. Therefore, it’s very important to pay attention to our actions and the consequences of them. For instance, the spirit of a writer who has passed and left an influential book on earth continues to get blessed afterward, and the spirit keeps ascending in rank. Isn’t that a mesmerizing journey for the soul of a good one?

When we leave earth, many things that remain after us such as our children, books, people we’ve helped, orphans we adopted, manuscripts we wrote, theories & systems that we developed that continue to function after us, places we’ve built like schools, libraries, hospitals with caring doctors and many more all continue to create karma and shape our legacy. This legacy is attached to the spirit. Each person leaves a legacy behind, and that legacy continues to exist and create karma for the persons that continues to enhance the spiritual record or damage it. That’s why past life karma resolution is very important when it comes to healing and is one of the key areas. The mark that we leave on earth remains and is very significant when it comes to achieving our spiritual purpose in a wholistic sense, as it’s timeless and spaceless. It is fluid across dimensions. It will always be a continuous stream of cause and effects from the very beginning, our first life, to the last life inshallah that we achieve perfection at the soul.

God has justice and forgiveness, so he may forgive us and bump us up at times the same way we feel shifts in real life, but one should always obey him and not depend on him always forgiving any sin, again this comes with understanding the element of responsibility. 

In the modern age, we use technology and social media as a tool to share our knowledge, feelings, experiences with the rest of the world. We all have a digital memoir, and thinking about these digital memoirs and how they are albums of our life forever sitting on a hard drive somewhere way beyond our age is an interesting thought to pursue that moved me to write this article for you guys. To rethink our memories and the way we generate, and share them nowadays. 

Next time you are thinking of sharing yourself and a part of your life with others, what I would like for you to do is to contemplate on the picture, thought, and words you are sharing. Understand the impact, and analyze the intention behind them to make sure it’s light sourced. Start visualizing maybe your Facebook or Instagram feed as a timeless footprint of who you are in the digital landscape as a human being, not just words and pictures. Think about all the future people 100 years from now when they look at your Facebook feed and what it means to them?  How does it make them feel and connect with you? These are all ways in which, we are creating our book of life with a permanent physical record. As permanent as it can get on earth, of course. Thanks for reading, and let me know how your digital journey goes with social media and real karma records. I wish you the best in your endeavors. Blessings and hope.

Love & Light


Karma Tools

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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

Parallel Universes

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

There are certain spiritual concepts that I call a mind graph. As you activate your mind closer to the source and try to grasp a full understanding miserably, you get a glimpse of what they mean and a light bulb goes off in your brain. Akashic records, karma, parallel universes, dimensions are some of these concepts. As a big physics and math fan, I believe there is a strong relationship between modern science and true spirituality, and we are still learning how to talk about them. The connections between them are softly developing in our brains, but we have not evolved enough to effectively communicate about them. My hope is that the future generations can assist with this part. Yet, these concepts are somethings that a curious mind can truly enjoy and develop as we focus on it. New neural pathways form and you can feel those. Understanding is always accompanied by feelings and energetic shifts.

When we go through major life changes, losses and as a result transformations, existential questions rise to the top of our awareness. Questions such as ”why me”, “why is this my destiny and my path” or “how did I get here”, “what did I do” or “how do I exit now” where is the door of the shuttle? :)

When you move through life with these enough and truly seek answers, that’s where some of the karmic paths and karma graph shows itself, and it can be a huge and deeper state of awakening at the soul that brings us closer to the source by understanding more. Giving us that knowingness that we needed.

The concept hat I was thinking about tonight and wanted to share as I was driving by the ocean was parallel universes. I see many definitions, so I thought I add my two cents on here. Many of you have you heard of déjà vu. Déjà vu is an experience that when it happens, we feel we visited it before. That’s not exactly parallel universes, but you get the idea. The experience of experiences regardless of the time in multiple plane of existence to a point that we know we’ve been there before, or we are already there, but we are also here, or we can see where we are going because we see the now as part of the past before tied to a future that we already know. In a way time gets morphed and loses its meaning and what’s left is constant. Past, present and future co-exist in some way or form. It is the feeling that brings the memory of prior or future visit to the present moment.

Parallel universes are usually for karma resolution and karma clearing because the experience of something that already has happened is an affirmation that we are on the right path and when we are making major decisions or are in a state that we need to be sure only by this type of experience God wants to give us that knowingness, so we can be sure to move forward and develop more.

Parallel universes help us grow and know ourselves by teaching us before after and different plots and perspectives, exercising parts of our character that need more work and deeply are present and have to be recovered. It allows us to look at a thing from a wider lens that goes beyond our immediate reality, beyond time and space, and widens our perspective, so we can shift up. Sometimes these experiences are alone, sometimes we have partners showing up in dreams, or in reality, or we go through the journey together. Many times past life karma are involved, which is why we need to have these multidimensional experiences. Access to snapshots of our character in different points of time so we can remember ourselves, the other and karma that was there.

Hope this makes sense. My thoughts definitely require some grooming, but I started my book, so I’m activating my inner writer these days. We are a collective knowledge base, so drop your gold below and share your wisdom with the crowd. You need to create an account.

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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

The Death

In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

Sujood is the most humbling, informative pose for repentance, closeness and sharing love with Allah

I remember mourning the losses of my grandparents in private and as if I knew there would be a day that I won’t be able to see them anymore before it happens. I made sure I looked at them enough and I stayed close to them enough. Yet processing death as an adult is something else. I can’t claim that I’ve learned all the ins and outs of this complicated emotion and I feel it is one of the most important lessons of life to know it ends and it’s all temporary whether we like it or not. We lose people. Death card in the rider deck is followed by interpretations of transformations. I’ve been meditating on the meaning of this card so much past few years and to me it is the symbol of metamorphosis. Something that’s’ hard to describe but can be felt and experienced. Change in a way that it transforms us and expands us. In a way that we can see more, feel more and understand more and still be in our human form. The loss of a loved one is pretty much the same, you wake up to the same sun and go to sleep to the same moon you hear songs and the birds, you remember them you see flowers and it reminds you of memories then you wonder where is the physical presence of that person who used to laugh with you, where is the smile? Their voice? Your physical equation has missing values now and you wonder how to make sense of it all once more and that’s where faith comes in with sirens of help where it says inna lillah va inna ilayhe rajeoon. To god we belong and to him we return. Reflecting in a moment that all the people that we always have loved are in a closet of love with God and he is keeping them till we return together once more. It may be hard to cope with and digest when we are in this 3d plane and mourning the physical loss of someone yet the knowingness that soul of the same entity with the same quarks and surprises, weirdness and charm in a different realm is alive and waiting for us is a blessing. This knowledge is a doorway to hope so we can look forward with more faith that keeps us as one together in God’s light. That we all return to him with our loved ones that we lost and there is only growth between us before that happens. We receive them in expanded conscious and they receive us in that state. May allah gives all the mourning hearts more patience and may he rewards the passed ones with peace and protection inshallah.

The death card means transformations

In Quran it has been mentioned that when time ends and the judgement day comes all the believers fall down and do sujood tearfully to God and when I read it I couldn’t stop visualizing the emotions that run through that moment in my head and I enjoyed the replay multiple times. There is so much forgiveness that’s being asked from God and it is very beautiful.

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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

What is growth?


يا رب ارحمنا

Spirits are wanting me to write this morning. The topic we need to discuss is the meaning of growth. Growth to me is by default and by definition collective. Yes we grow individually and achieve things, but we can also share the burden of the work that we have for the world and achieve more. The meaning of growth lies in the underlying values we have, and those values shape how we see the world, who we are and what we’ve become.

It takes one person to make a difference, but it takes many to accomplish towards that goal and the vision that a person has created. In that sense, our relationships with the outside world and how we are seen and how we see things are the keys 🔑 to success. Knowing how to build a network. In which light we allow the emotions to go through when we are impressed or when we are disappointed, how do we find new ways to forgive, let go and grow in a sense of collective love. A space we hold for healing to be able to bring the best out of ourselves and everyone around us. Such work to me when manifested at individual levels can perpetuate changes that are beyond each and every one of us understanding. A domino affect.

Those individual changes become aligned when we share similar values. Values such as faith, loyalty, discipline, self-love, self-care, patience, forgiveness, honesty, and hope; understanding the importance of them in our day-to-day life. Implementing them, going above to standup for them, and doing what it takes to implement them. Some of these values can be quite harder to implement than others. What we are conditioned to or how we conditioned ourselves make some changes harder than others, the goal is to step out of bad habits & cycles and keep up with the change when we start without overworking ourselves or quitting. There is a saying in Farsi that says “The man is the one who goes in life consistently and slowly and not the one who goes too fast or too slow” Indeed a difficult balance. New habits take time to form and patience shows itself there. Patience develops as we learn to surrender and relax in a space that has faith. Everything is a process and change is not overnight. The sun takes about 12 hours every night to come back up in part of the world we can’t expect to go faster than the speed caused by gravity pull between the whole mass of the earth and the sun. But we sometimes do! I am guilty of it. When we choose to change directions and repeat, that’s when change becomes a possibility, it becomes easy. Time is running, and hopefully I channeled enough for you to start your day with a grateful heart to send thanks to the sky and remember hope inshallah.

God bless,

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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

The Love of Self

In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

The love of self. What is it and what that means? What does it take for a person to dislike themselves? Childhood traumas? Abuse? Lack of Self confidence as a result. There are many triggers that lead to a person feeling like they are not able to love themselves. Hence, that’s not the focus of this post. The focus is to explore how and in what ways we can begin to learn to love ourselves. Asking the right questions as in, what is within us that’s blocking us and is stopping us from loving ourselves to the fullest? What assumptions and self limiting thoughts? What are the cycles that we go through that we need to break through to be able to come out stronger? What are our fears? And how do we do that if it’s anything simpler than having an intention to change and pick up our broken pieces and putting it back together? That’s what healing is, being able to learn to let go of what we can’t control and focusing on what we can, so we can learn self-management and balance. Knowing that no one is ever going to knock at our door to pick us up and put us back together except ourselves and in that intention that’s within us strength manifests and reaches a new limit that’s necessary not just for self but as a collective. Ever seen a domino effect how dominoes fall on top of each other that’s the same thing with energies frequencies and vibrations every single person choice impacts how the collective frequency changes that’s why addicts, severe mental patients, killers have to be separated out from the rest to make sure the effect of the collective is physically remote from everyone else. Yes we all do have free will, and we do have control yes but are we using the power of control that we have in managing ourselves or are we allowing the negative forces of the outside to pull us in any direction they desire? Are we fighting our inner desires or external temptations to do wrong? The path to self-love has strength and peace that comes from a place that’s required to be able to maintain self. Social constructs, specially in the west that are not faith based and rather money focused, completely eliminate the need to come back to our true self on a daily basis. Despite the fact that meditation, yoga and other self help practices have been more widely adopted in the past decade, still execution at the micro level is missing as it’s the responsibility of the individual to be conscious of their choices, and we tend to forget that in our “busy” lives. What I’ve found to work for me when it comes to loving myself is simply shifting focus when I’m being drained, or I feel I’m hurting myself for pleasing others, doing something or making a decision. Asking myself, do I love myself enough in this situation? Am I pushing myself too far in this situation, and how do I stop it? Then take action. The key I have found has been able to work well so far and I’m sure there is more to come, learn and grow to find new ways of self love.

You matter!

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Ava Naeini Ava Naeini

The Leftover

God is Good

My mind is quite busy these days and is running with millions of ideas and decisions that I need to make. Priorities that are setting in stone, constantly shifting along the scheduling the remaining trips that I need to take before spring begins and Persian new year starts. I’m actually looking forward to the beginning of this spring and summer along with the conscious shifts that we are expecting to finally take place inshallah. I have to be bold and honest here as much as I don’t want to stress anyone out, but sometimes it feels like the shifts are way overdue, and the delays are life long!

How everyday we walk past and look at each other accepting more and more control, bullying, indifference, judgement, separation, stupid laws, rules, regulation, and policies! Things that take over our life as if humanity is not under attack. Does anyone question the medical industry and doctors for the mess we are in? It doesn’t take a genius to know genetic modification of a human body is unsafe? Or Chimps compound should not be injected into a human body? Does it require high intelligence, or when did we forget to think straight as doctors or nurses? I’m sorry guys but I’m upset at you, and I’m not blaming you, but I’m upset, and I’m willing to disclose it publicly. I feel I’ve been holding on to these feelings for too long not to upset you, but a world is upset because of lack of responsibility, ownership, and leadership. We are at the verge of health crisis not because of COVID-19 but because of COVID-19 PTSD, isolation, and the vaccine! Since when you can control an invisible particle that mutates and recreates itself so easily with a mask! Is it really a possibility in the medical community? Facts are obvious.

We are talking alien invasions as if it’s something so remote from day to day life we live, and it’s not when all the vaccination centers are being monitored by UFO and space programs that are already in place duh. No one knows by who or where Covid was made or even its vaccine besides what government says, and public media distributes so fiercely which is a fallacy for the most part and the ones who are trying so hard to bring awareness are so scattered that we don’t have enough unity yet to make it all known and bring light to the surface to a degree that it needs to. So here I am doing my little tiny or tiny little part… yes tiny little part :) getting the words out there about the reset and awakening that’s finally at the horizon of this planet. This planet being our mother earth the beautiful land, the sea, and the ocean that so silently have been tolerating the human mess of plastic and more. The beautiful sky that’s full of smoke and factories that are making poor quality goods for people, so we can all have more objects or eat more food and feel less and less fulfilled and motivated, and more and more entitled and angry in order to get to nowhere because by the time we choose to decide to change our lives we are so lazy and tired that we choose to continue to do even less and less and graduate of this life with 0 lessons to a place that’s unknown. Sometimes people around you make you feel this way as a whole, a non stop cycle of intentional ignorance. Some say ignorance is a bliss, well I don’t believe! Ignorance is just a phase before the person hits a hard wall that feels very painful. World and spirit is run by light and light always prevails and shines through every obstacle it finds created by us tiny humans. Always. God is big and God is good, but world is suffering as it chooses so… May Allah bring us more love and light every day and give us more hope.

UFO’s Exist!

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